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2024³â 8¿ùÈ£ sena »õº®³ª¶ó/»õ³ª (¿µ¹®ÆÇ)
ÆǸŰ¡°Ý  : 4,500¿ø ¡æ 4,275¿ø (5%ÇÒÀÎ)
ÃâÆÇÀÏ  : 2024-08-01
ÃâÆÇ»ç/Á¦Á¶»ç  : µÎ¶õ³ë
Á¦Ç°Äڵ堠: 9771975800001
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Sena is a comprehensive QT magazine that consists of devotionals, Sunday School materials, and articles geared toward teens. Sena offers guidance for building up the youth in the Word of God and helping them choose sound biblical values rather than simply following current culture. Like a good friend, Sena comes alongside the youth and supports and encourages them.





4 Spiritual Appetizer
5 QT Note
6 Calendar
8 How to Use Sena
10 Into the Bible

Daily Devotionals
14 2 Kings 18–25; 1, 2 Thessalonians

86 Life & Faith_Friendship Rooted in Love
86 Finish the Mission_Journeyman Asks Friends to Read Bible, Lives Transform
89 Dear Sena_¡°Why would God promise to heal someone but then let them die?¡±
92 Stories of Compassion_Beyond Rejection
96 Walk the Walk_Alan Fadling: Practicing a Non-Anxious Life
100 Sena Review

Weekly Bible Studies
104 Weekly Bible Study 1 Jesus, a Better King
106 Weekly Bible Study 2 In Our Best Times and in Our Worst
108 Weekly Bible Study 3 A Changed Life
110 Weekly Bible Study 4 Intentionally Thankful
112 Weekly Bible Study 5 God¡¯s Will for You
114 Weekly Bible Study Guidelines

126 Meet the Team
128 Credits
End Stickers

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Total Program Operation Time : 1.0448