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Living Life exists to provide a comprehensive devotional tool that will aid in the spiritual growth of believers through Bible reading, meditation, reflection, and memorization. Living Life desires to take people through books of the Bible both broadly and deeply. Along with Scripture, Living Life also provides prayer guides, fasting guides, and articles that touch upon cultural issues and missions work around the world. It is a tool that aids in the development of spiritual disciplines to facilitate spiritual growth.


6 Missions_Frontier Heart of Hispanic Mission Team Revolves around Discipleship
8 Interview_Lilly Park: How to Speak Truth in Love
12 Stories of Compassion_Breaking Barriers
15 Bible Intro

Daily Devotionals
18 How to Use Living Life
20 QT Note
22 2 Kings 6–17

Weekly Bible Studies
162 Open Our Eyes (2 Kings 6:15–23)
164 God¡¯s Sovereignty over Death (2 Kings 9:27–37)
166 The Rightful King (2 Kings 11:13–21)
168 God¡¯s Word Fulfilled (2 Kings 15:1–12)

170 Dear Pastor Sam_¡°I¡¯m not growing at my current church. Should I leave?¡±
172 Life & Culture_Lay Aside the Weight of Passivity by Jon Bloom
175 Reasonable Hope_¡°Isn¡¯t it intolerant of Christians to say all other belief systems are false?¡±
177 Bookshelf_Impossible Christianity by Kevin DeYoung
178 Music Corner_This Is My Worship by Kelly Alayna

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Total Program Operation Time : 0.9813