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Chapter 1 Bible in English ¼º°æ ¿µ¾î¿¡ Àͼ÷Çϱâ 6

Chapter 2 Bible Terms ¼º°æ ¿ë¾î 35

Chapter 3 Mission English Conversation ¼±±³ ¿µ¾î ȸȭ 48

Chapter 4 Biblical Foundations ¼º°æÀû ±âÃÊ 78



Chapter 5 Proclamation of the Gospel º¹À½ ³ª´©±â 117

Chapter 6 Growth in Faith ¿µÀû ¼ºÀå 134

Chapter 7 English Prayer ¿µ¾î ±âµµ 150

Chapter 8 English Preaching ¿µ¾î ¼³±³ 174

Chapter 9 English Praise ¿µ¾î Âù¾ç 192



Chapter 10 Church Administration ±³È¸ ÇàÁ¤ °ü·Ã 203

Chapter 11 Church Events ±³È¸ Çà»ç 213

Chapter 12 Special Ceremony Ưº° ¿¹½Ä 222

Chapter 13 Phrases for sentences ±¸¹®º° Ç¥Çö ¿¬±¸ 243


[º»¹® ¼ÓÀ¸·Î]

The Book of Nahum is a poem celebrating the fall of Nineveh, the capital city of Israel¡¯s ancient and oppressive enemy, the Assyrians.

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God¡¯s comprehension of all things. Literally means ¡°all-knowing¡± and describes God¡¯s attribute of complete and simultaneous knowledge of all things, including the actual and the possible past, present, and future events(Deuteronomy 32:20; 1 John 3:20; 1 Peter 1:2).

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Q4: Why did Jesus die on the cross?

¿Ö ¿¹¼ö´ÔÀÌ ½ÊÀÚ°¡¿¡¼­ µ¹¾Æ°¡¼Ì½À´Ï±î?

A: He died instead of us because he loves us and did not want us to have to pay the penalty for all the things that we have done wrong.

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Evangelism & Mission

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Evangelism is speaking the Gospel to anyone, anywhere. So saying the gospel to anyone is evangelism.

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Missions is doing that by crossing a culture. It usually involves learning a language, learning new cultural things.

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Baptismal Ceremony


The beloved in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is always a joy for the church to receive new believers into its fellowship. At our last consistory meeting Thomas declared his faith in Christ and expressed his desire to receive the baptism. Today we are happy that the will confess his faith before us all and receive the baptism.

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-p. 223



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