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The Rise and Fall of the 5 Empires in the Bible <¼º°æ°ú 5´ëÁ¦±¹ ¿µ¹®ÆÇ>
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ÃâÆÇÀÏ  : 2017-09-20
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Á¦Ç°Äڵ堠: 978-89-85738-84-2
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Korean Christian Publishing Culture Award Grand Prize

<¼º°æ°ú 5´ëÁ¦±¹> in the English language!


Bible story with empires Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Hellas, and Rome!


World History and Bible History through Tong!



Many people don't realize the Bible is not only the manifestation of God's words relevant to us today, but also is purposed as a lens with which to view and understand world history.


In The Rise and Fall of the Five Empires in the Bible, Dr.Byoungho Zoh uses his twenty-plus years experience of studying and teaching the Bible to walk us through the ancient empires and their relationship with ancient Israel as chronicled in the Bible.


Using the Scriptures and external sources, Dr.Zoh shares history and reveals the nature of God as it concerns His relationship with His creation.


This book also offers insight on the vast differences between leading an empire God's way and leading man's way, ultimately proving that following after God is always the best thing to do.


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Dr.Byoungho Zoh created the 'Tong' method of studying the Bible, an approach that fuses rationality and sentimentality as well as the cultures of the East and the West together. He is the President of Bible Tongdokwon, and educational institution for studying the Word of God. He chaired the '21st Century Future Church Conference: The Companionship of the East and the West' for 10,000 ministers in 2007. In 2008, he acted as the co-representative of the 'Re-Orientation thru the Bible's Seoul Declaration of 140 Korean Theologians, and has authored more than 30 books. He is a speaker at the 500th Anniversary of Martin Luters's Nailing of his 95 Theses to the Door of All Saints Church Wittenberg 2017 Congress, Germany.


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Introduction. BIBLE with EGYPT

Egypt Yesterday and Egypt Today

Nationalism and Imperialism

Imperialism and the Kingdom of Priests

More on Joseph

Enter Moses, the Prince of Egypt

The Collapse of Egyptian Empire

The Reign of King Solomon

King Josiah and the Fate of Egypt

The Downfall of Egypt

God's Management of the Universe



Assyria, the Master of Asia for 520 Years

The British Museum and the Remains of Assyria

The Prophet Jonah

The Northern Kingdom of Israel and Assyria

Israel and the Prophets Elijah, Elisha, Amos, and Hosea

The Resettlement Policy of Assyria

Judah's International Relations Policy and Assyrian Imperialism

King Ahaz's Greatest Mistake

Isaiah and Hezekiah Duel Over the National Security Policy

The Stupidity of the Genius Linguist

The Death of 185,000 Assyrians

The Prophet Nahum

The Downfall of Assyrian Empire

God's Management of the Universe



King Hezekiah and the Messengers from Babylon

The Prophet Isaiah

Babylon and the Three Captivities of Israel

Daniel and Ezekiel the captives

The Second Captivity and the Prophet Ezekiel

Jeremiah, the True Prophet of God, and the False Prophet Hananiah

The Meaning Behind seventy Years of Captivity

Secret Meeting between King and Prophet

King Zedekiah and His Sons' Tragic Fate

The Destruction of the Jerusalem Temple and the Sketch of the New Temple

Jeremiah's Letter to Babylon

Babylon's Indoctrination Policy No Match for God's Law

The Downfall of the Babylonian Empire

God's Management of the Universe


The Perian Empire and the Seven Books of the Old Testament

Pharaoh of Egypt and Cyrus the Great

King of Persia, King of Lydia, and Solon the Greek Sage

Cyrus the Great, the Father of Persia

The Rise of King Darius

The Perian Governor Zerubbabel

Queen Esther and King Xerxes

King Xerxes Recorded in World History

Ezra and the Second Return of the Captives

Nehemiah and the Third Return of the Captives

The Downfall of the Persian Empire

God's Management of the Universe



History in the Old Testament and the Nes Testament

The Rise of Macedonia and Daniel's Prediction of the Hellenistic Empire

Alexander's Journey to the Throne and His Teacher, Aristotle

The Conquests of Alexander the Great

Alexander's Death and the Division of Hellenistic Empire

The Battle for Jerusalem

The Hasmonean Dynasty and the Dissolution of the Hellenistic Empire

God's Management of the Universe



The Beginning of the Roman Empire

Herod the Great

The Herodian Dynasty

Tiberius, the Second Roman Emperor

The Governing of Judea and Various Religious Groups

Pontius Pilate and The Crucifixion of Jesus

The Cross of Jesus Christ and the Fulfillment of the Law

Faligula, the Third Roman Emperor

The Conversion and Ministry of the Apostle Paul

Emperor Claudius & Herod Agrippa I

Felix, the Roman Governor and the Apostle Paul's Ministry

Paul's Request for a Trial Before the Emperor

Nero, the Fifth Emperor of Rome

The Continuation and End of Roman Persecution

THe Decline of the Roman Empire

God's Management of the Universe




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(Dr. Leonard Sweet, best selling author and professor at Drew University and George Fox University)

This book is a masterstroke of genius from one of the greatest living interpreters of the World in the world. It is masterly, reliable, thorough and wide-ranging in its synthesis of where we have come fromm and where we are going.

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󰌚 Å©¸®½º ½Ã ¸ñ»ç 3¼¼´ë ħ·Ê±³ ¸ñ»ç, Advent Conspiracy, The Gospel According to Jeses ÀÇ ÀúÀÚ

(Chris Seaym author, and third-generation Baptist pastor)

Dr. Zoh's insights regarding the rise and fall of biblical empires bring the biblical narrative out of the confines of history and offer much needed insights for today's church. As you read it, you will not only gain greater knowledge regarding the power of nations in biblical times, it will offer insight for the faithful in the ways that we should approach the next election cycle.

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